March 20-21, 2015 | Godsbanen, Aarhus (DK)
June 14-15, 2014 | “Det Frie Felts Festival”, Copenhagen (DK)
January 20-25, 2014 | Københavns Musikteater, Copenhagen (DK)
• Awarded by The Danish Arts Foundation, 2014 •
In June 2013 the duo two-women-machine-show, decided to officially declare war upon themselves. Their intention was to overthrow the governing authorship inhabiting them. Taking this rebellion against a dictating inner voice quite literally, they deliberately confused metaphors with worldly violence. In the making of My Body is a Barrel of Gunpowder they explored different types of warfare strategies and associated them with a conceptual and body-based practice. They found a resonance between specific warfare glossaries and choreographic displays, delving into institutional military systems, their management of bodies and alternative activist tactics. My Body is a Barrel of Gunpowder materialises an inner struggle against self governance. With the use of militarism as source material for a dance against themselves, they bring forward that fringe moment, in the midst of war, when one looks for what is still standing and what is to come.
Concept & Performance: two-women-machine-show
Scenographer: Sille Dons Heltoft
Sound artist / Composer: Jassem Hindi
Composing voice scores: Timo Kreuser, Erik Christoffersen
Light Designer: David Nicolas Abad
Dramaturge: Gina Serbanescu
Sound assistant: Erik Christoffersen
Consultant (operational conditions under severe stress): Colonel Lars R. Møller
Consultant (hypnosis): Mads Aggerholm
Graphic Design: Sam Moore
Production: Gry Raaby
Production assistant: Sophie Blendstrup
In residency: W.A.S.P. (RU), Arteles Creative Centre (FI), Laboratoriescenen (DK)
Supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation, Københavns Musikteater, 4C for culture, Jardin d’Europe, Københavns Kommunes Scenekunstudvalg, Augustinusfonden